This is not what I expected....

Monday, February 19, 2007

I have been tagged

My daughter, Emily, has "tagged" me to share 6 weird things about myself. My first thought was a quote from my childhood best friend's mom " Everyone one is a little bit weird except me and thee, and lately I have wondered about thee."(I can always think of a story from my past that relates to "now" or the current conversation AND I tell it - in great detail!) Of course, I couldn't think of anything "weird" about myself because to me what I do is normal. So I began to ask around and immediately got opinions of others regarding my "weirdness."

But then my oldest son (who is quite wise AND self-proclaiming "weird") said something quite profound. "All of us are alike in many ways, and then we each are weird in different ways. Those weird ways are what make us "us" - unique and special."

As I thought about it, I what if I have 5 sets of dishes that have specific purposes and uses? Or that I love to use a tablecloth or placemats and cloth napkins, even if we are just eating chili dogs? So what if I can become best friends and know all about someone in a check-out line or on an airplane trip? Those are things that make me "me."

So am I weird? I hope so - as the psalmist says "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (another weird thing to some - I go to the Bible for answers when I have questions) How am I weird? I am not sure....compared to whom? Compared to my mother, I am not so weird. Compared to my children.....pretty weird. So I guess I would have to know "compared to whom?" because compared to the world in general, I am just like everyone else AND so weird that if you "look all the world over there's no one exactly like me." (preschool song - sorry, another "weird" thing about me - I think of AND then sing songs that come to mind in random situations).

Bottom line - I guess YOU would have to tell me how I am weird, because as I began this blog "Everyone is a little bit weird but ME and thee....) and now I am beginning to wonder about ME!