This is not what I expected....

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Words of a kindergartner who is now a big 2nd grader....

While eating lunch with my kindergartners, Ramesha and Justice are sitting across from me.
Ramesha: Ms. Herrington, Justice says you's old!
Me: He did?!?!
Ramesha: But you's NOT old, Ms. Herrington, you just LOOK old!
Me: Thanks.....Ramesha, I think....???

I hope that YEARS from now when I really am old, that there is still enough "youth" in me that I only LOOK old and don't ACT old! Or is it too late? Do I already "act" old? I need to think about that one.....


  • At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are SOOOOOO much like your mother and even at 69 she was never old. I don't think you'll ever be old either!

  • At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    True dat.


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