This is not what I expected....

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Recess: a time out from work

Some days I feel like I teach school in an inner-city school in a BIG city...oh, wait! I do!
Due to some "diggings" that have been happening on my school grounds, we have been limited to recess on the concrete fenced-in basketball courts. It makes me think of movies about NYC and how the children have such limited space to run and play.

With nothing but concrete to run around on, I have purchased sidewalk chalk, jumpropes, nerf footballs, a basketball and hula hoops for my kids to play with. I have a big plastic bucket that we use to carry the toys outside in. It doubles as my "chair" as I watch the children play.

Tyreke, a very affectionate but sneaky little stinker, came up to me today to give me a hug as I sat on my bucket! Being on his face to face level, he pressed his cheek hard against mine. Holding it there for an extended time, he says " Somebody needs to take our picture!"
My reply: I don't have my camera here today.
Tyreke: My momma has one.....I will see if she will let me bring it tomorrow!

I don't think I will need a camera in order to remember the picture in my memory of the love of this child that I felt. What a precious gift that I am loved by little ones who see every day the good and the bad sides of me!


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