This is not what I expected....

Monday, September 06, 2004

....or do you ever get what you expect?

Life has never been what I was expecting.....sometimes that can be a good thing and other times it is less than what I have hoped for. Either way it is the old "lemonade" thing. I am sure that whoever first squeezed a lemon and tasted of the juice was greatly disappointed (not like my son, James - he has always been a "straight lemon-lover!"). Which is why the lemon-squeezer probably kept working at it until he got what he wanted ...sure, it probably took several tries - water, then sugar...but he finally perfected it! And I am sure glad he did.....I love lemonade. I wonder if he tried mixing other things with it before he got what he wanted. I wonder if he had a mass of critics around him giving their opinions, asked for or not. I wonder if he ever threw the whole thing out and said "forget this!" but still kept coming back to try again.

So, why am I doing this "blog?" Three of my four children have begun their own blogs and I find great pleasure in reading about their lives and thoughts. So, I thought - what the heck! Go for it. I may not have a lot of profound things to say, and my life may not the most interesting in the world, but life in Montrose and being a teacher of inner-city kindergartners can't be that boring, can it? Well, we will just see....if I get too bored, I will just go back to reading my kids' blogs.

I never expected to be "blogging" at 51 years of age.....(does blogging have a certain age-limit? I hope not......) Until the next time, when you least expect it.......

May your lemonade be sweetened with REAL sugar with a lemon wedge added!



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